We’re here (we’re just very quiet)

It’s been a minute! First and foremost, a short roundup of some writing things that have happened since… July 2020, wow, what a nightmare of a decade it has been since then:

  • My short story “The Last Good Time to Be Alive” (Reckoning 4, 2020) was reprinted in Neon Hemlock Press’s We’re Here: The Best Queer Speculative Fiction 2020. The best! C.L. Clark vaguely knows who I am! I am in such illustrious company in this anthology and I can wholeheartedly recommend that you pick up a copy.

  • Two poems of mine, “who is calling me?” and “your_ex_lover_is_dead.mp3”, were published in Invention, an iARTistas project curated by my good pal and Lambda colleague Charles Jensen! These are two pretty weird poems that I did not think would find a home, and it is a joy to have them in print and surrounded by beautiful work.

  • I was interviewed by wonderful friend Ellie Milne-Brown for their newsletter, tiny mammal kingdom! In case you wanted to read more of my words on the subject of television show Bojack Horseman, this is the place to do it (and also to check out the rest of Ellie’s work, because she is extremely cool and one of the smarter media critics I know).

The other news is not strictly literary, but it is, in a way, professional. I am moving to Canada! I have a plane ticket booked for May! I have given notice at my job here in the UK and I am going to freelance! It’s all exceptionally alarming and I still have so many logistics to wrangle and I keep thinking things like ‘but the plug sockets will be different’ and ‘how does one calculate tax?’ at unholy hours of the night. But I’m doing it, after two years of pandemic-induced waiting. Bottling out would have been the easy option, and I am regrettably incapable of taking those.

This means that I am going to be using this website in part to advertise my freelance services in the near-ish future, so watch this space for more on that! If you have ever wanted me to assist you with copy- or developmental editing, for instance, this is the time to tell me as much.

In conclusion, seriously, how does one calculate tax. I’m going to have to learn at some point and it may as well be now.